Wednesday, 20 August 2014

My Cool Basketball Game

On Saturday I played basketball at the courts.We were versing Otahuhu.We were playing basketball because we played basketball every Saturday.My teammates were there too.

I came with my basketball. Otahuhu were a bit hard. I was worried because I didn't want my team to lose. I acted like a superstar. People were cheering for Otahuhu.

We started the match. First the ref whistled. When the ref whistled I felt nervous.They ran very fast then they scored. We ran they were about to steal the ball.Then we tricked them, then we scored.

We were getting better than before.They tried to copy our trick they didn't do it properly we stole the ball. I heard coach Bruce say last basket wins they ran with the ball they almost scored but I stole the ball and passed to my teammate.I heard coach Bruce say “easy basket.” It was right, we scored. I was happy, even my coach was happy.

I was super happy. I learned how to trick the other team.

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